Another road……

It’s been a few days. I am discouraged and down. I have not been juicing and am suffering with some intense depression which has lead to some poor food choices and 207lbs on the scale. I had a bout with the flu and am just generally feeling like a big toolbag loser. I’m starting fresh with low/no carbs today and going to ease back into the healthy lifestyle.
These days of eating junk have left me feeling pretty damn disgusting. I’m off to the store to pick up some no carb goodness and get back on track. Not a failure, just a detour in the journey!! I got this!

Fitty fatty…………stupid brain

Yesterday did not exactly go according to plan. I juiced, drank, then binged. I don’t know where that came from or what posessed me to shove every possible edible item into my pie hole but I sure as hell did and I’m paying for it today. The scale this morning said 206. Sad sad sad. So back on track today. New goals, open eyes and I got it this time! 10 days here we come!!

2 steps forward… step back…..

To say the last several days have been stressful would be a huge understatement.  With a show packed weekend, not nearly enough sleep and the loss of my brothers beloved dog, I am spent.  With that being said, I am starting a new 10 day fast today.  I put a few lbs on and feel utterly gross from the food I indulged in the last couple of days. I know I allowed the stress to get to me which I have been trying so hard not to do.  I do however, recognize that and am ready to get back on the wagon.  Will be doing a full 10 day this time and cannot wait to feel better!

Starting fresh…..who knew?

I didn’t get a chance to get back on here yesterday so here’s a little update.  I started getting really light headed and tired about mid morning.  I had plenty of calories in my system but realized that my iron levels were low.  I am anemic but hadn’t had issues thus far in the juicing with as much kale as I was using.  However with “hell week”  arriving my levels tend to drop off.  So after discussing with a friend who is a nurse, I ate a small meal and took an iron tablet.  My levels were back up by afternoon and after a nap I felt much better.  I’m going to continue juicing through the weekend with a light, iron heavy meal thrown in here and there just to build those levels back up.  I will be starting a new 10 day fast on Monday morning and looking forward to seeing how much I can get rid of on round 2!!  I am super excited to be at 200 and reaching my 2nd goal in this weight loss journey.  My next goal for myself is to hit 175.  I have not weighed 175 since before I was knocked up with the second spawn.  That was 13 years ago!!  I have made a vow that I will not cut my hair until I reach that goal.  Now anyone that knows me knows that I love my high and tight and my mohawks.  It kills me to not get a hair cut about every 6 weeks so this will be a challenge for me!!  Oh yeah, my reward for making my first two goals?? The wife is buying me an iPhone for valentines day!!  Go me!!! 

Day 7…….

I did it!  I made it 7 whole days!  I never thought I would make it 24 hrs let alone an entire week. To be honest, I am pretty damn proud of myself!!  I am going to continue through February 1st which I know is an odd amount of time. Our daughter’s birthday is the 5th and it’s tradition in our family for them to pick any restaraunt for their birthday dinner.  She made me promise that I would eat food with her and of course I said I would because she’s my princess!  Today I feel like death warmed over.  It has nothing to do with the juicing and without going into all the gory details we’ll just say that there are certain parts of my body that can fall out and never come back. That being said, today is weigh in!!  I got up this morning and was greeted by my old friend scale waiting for me on the bathroom floor.  I swallowed hard knowing that I am bloated and retaining water and not feeling so “light” today.  I closed my eyes and stepped on……201!!!!  I am floored!  That is 12 lbs in 7 days juicing!  I am down a total of 27 lbs since I started this weight loss journey in November!  I cannot even describe what this feels like right now.  I will make my goal on Sunday!! 

I never imagined that I would embrace juicing like I have. As I have mentioned before I have had a crazy love affair with food my entire life. Once this fast is over, I will be going back to healthier eating and incorporating the juice into daily life.  I would like to do a 10 day fast every couple of months or so just to keep my body on track and keep this momentum going.  Today is a good day!  Happy juicing!!

Day 6…..

Oh how I want my scale!  Tomorrow is weigh in so alas I must wait until the scale nazi tells me where she hid the darn thing.  I feeling good for the most part albeit tired.  My insomnia is still in full swing although I did sleep from 10ish till 4 this morning without waking up so that is kind of a big deal. So in discussing with the wife last night, I’ve decided I’m not going to be able to do a full 30day this time around.  Our daughters birthday is in a couple of weeks and every year we take the kids to their restaraunt of choice for their birthday dinner.  Princess made me promise that I would eat “something pleeeeease” for her birthday lol.  I couldn’t say no. So I will be doing a reentry in the several days before that and then will go into a full 30 day fast after that.  That will take me into March which equals warmer weather and morning walks. For now, I’m exhausted and going to attempt sleep again.  I have a long day of volunteering, bed shopping and costuming ahead of me.  Happy Juicing!

Breathe baby breathe……

The last day or so my asthma has been giving me some crazy fits and I’ve been full of this thick gross snot. Coughing stuff up, blowing my nose constantly etc but I don’t feel “sick”.  I did some investigating and tada!  Found some information as to why my body is doing this do me right now.  I found a page that lists all of the fasting stages that your body goes through and the things that happen.  Good to know!  I really thought I had done my research before I started this gig 5 days ago…..guess not lol  Here’s the link to the page.  Happy Juicing!!

Warning…..pms word vomit……..

So I am fairly certain I’m about to hit a major test. I’m bloated, crabby and entirely positive that I am pms’ing.  I don’t keep track of this shit because it annoys me that my body chooses to remind me that I am biologically female. One week of the month, nature plays a cruel joke on me and it makes me want to punch things.  That discussion will be left for another day. In the meantime, my cravings will be kicking in, in a very bad way over the next couple of days I’m sure.  I’m a chocolate, sweets and starches kind of person. Princess (our 9 yr old) had some potato wedges and it took everything in me not to snatch some and indulge my mouth in a little one on one potato action. I refrained. I nearly chewed my fingers off, but I refrained.  If I can make it through this next week I think I will be fine. I will you keep you all posted….weigh in is Thursday which may disappoint me because I retain water like crazy grrr. Happy Juicing!!

Dessert!! I feel so naughty!

So as much as I love my veggies, I had to switch it up this afternoon.  I don’t know if that’s allowed, but dammit I did it.  I’m sure once I’m done with this post I will research it and kick myself if I broke some cardinal juicing rule.  I did a mix of apples, pears, strawberries and a half a lemon.  I am currently in juice heaven!

I’m  a little concerned that I’m not getting enough calories.  I’m going through about 2 24oz sports bottles of juice a day.  Not doing set “meals” just sipping on them throughout the day and I’m staying satisfied and full, but is 48oz really enough?  I don’t want to throw my body into starvation mode and stall on the weight loss.  In writing this, I foresee that my afternoon will be spent researching these little tidbits that I missed in the first round of information gathering.  I’m having serious scale withdrawals today but it’s better if I just do the once a week weigh to keep things in perspective.  I’m off to grab some veggies (time to restock!) get the middle spawn a haircut and go get the other two from their weekend destinations. Happy Juicing!!

Scale be gone!!

I’m finding myself obsessing a bit about the scale so I have asked the wife to be the Scale Nazi!  I need to only weigh in once a week. I know that in my brain, but when I walk into the bathroom, that piece of plastic taunts me and I must stand on it.  It’s like a magnetic pull.  I want to focus more on how I’m feeling and how the clothes are feeling.  I know the weight is going to fluctuate from day to day with hormones and what not, so I don’t want to get discouraged when the numbers don’t move from day to day.  My weekly weigh in will be on Thursdays so I will be anxiously waiting until then to see where the numbers go!!